Social Inclusion and Empowerment

Next Step offers workshops, guidance, and targeted activities that help people feel empowered to control their own destiny and claim their rights. Read more about our empowerment and inclusion activities. As an integral part of our inclusion and empowerment goals, Next Step’s programs help parents support their children’s learning and development. Read more about our […]

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Community Building

Inclusion and integration is a two-way process, requiring active engagement on both sides. Programs that bring Hungarians and foreigners together on a cooperative basis help build the personal and social ties that create social cohesion and promote integration. Read more about our community building activities.

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Labor Market Integration

Vulnerable groups in Hungary need job-related skills and credentials that are relevant to the local labor market. Next Step offers vocational, technical, and practical job-related training courses in high-demand skills. Read more about our labor market integration programs.

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History of Next Step

Next Step was officially registered in Hungary as an NGO in 2009 with the name MigHelp, but our history reaches back before then. In 2001 James Peter, a refugee from a West African country, was at the refugee camp in Debrecen Hungary when there was a near riot stemming from a conflict between Muslims and […]

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