MigHelp’s project ‘MigHelp’s labour market competence training and migrant career-centre’ is a success!
Our largest and longest project ‘MigHelp’s labour market competence training and migrant career-centre’ ended in October 2017. The project, which was co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union, lasted 17 months and offered complex services to migrant and refugees to help their future employment possibilities.
The core of the project included three trainings for 75 participants: European Computer Driving License (ECDL) course, Family Day Care course and a Car Driving (B-category) course.
- We are happy to say that 19 people completed successfully the 7-months long European Computer Driving License course and we rewarded with ECDL certificates.
- Twenty migrant and refugee women finished the Family Day care Course at the end of 2016. MigHelp also managed to secure internships for ten women in kindergartens and family day care centres.
- Between February 2017 and October 2017 MigHelp ran its first B-category Car driving course for migrants and refugees. Within the project 19 participants have since acquired a driving license and even after the course’s official end other participants are taking the test required to pass their practical driving test. We believe that 23 participants will soon complete their practical driving and the others will continue with their driving course, as well.
In total, fifty-eight migrants and refugees, more than two-thirds of the participants, have completed their MigHelp trainings successfully.
Within this project, we also organized MigHelp’s own MigComp module training for all three course groups. The aim of the training was to offer practical personal, social, communication and computer skills that assist the participants finding employment.
These competences have made participants more competitive on the job market and also help broaden their knowledge. They have become more self-confident and the modules raise their awareness about how to find the best job for themselves. Sixty participants succeeded to acquire a MigComp certificate.
During the project, migrant mentors and a career consultant were made available to help the participants in their trainings and also with job searching and other employment-related tasks.
On 28 October 2017 we celebrated the ending of the project (see picture above) with guests and other participants. The participants received their MigComp and other certificates and we shared the results of the project.
MigHelp looks forward to organizing more courses and training for the migrants and refugees of Hungary.
Press coverage by HVG (Hungarian)
Press coverage by Merce (Hungarian)