MigHelp is now Next Step!
We are pleased to announce an exciting new change for our organization — we now have a new name: Next Step!
Late in 2019, the MigHelp assembly and board began the process of changing our official name from Migráns Segítség Magyarország Egyesület [Migrants Help Association Hungary – MigHelp] to Next Step Magyarország Egyesület [Next Step Hungary Association]. The change has now been officially approved, so over the coming weeks and months, we will be gradually updating our online and print materials with our new name. The name of our Facebook page has also changed to Next Step Egyesület, with a new direct link: https://www.facebook.com/next.step.hungary.
Why was the name changed?
Over the years, our work has grown to include much more than what Next Step originally started from. Our new name is a better fit with what our organization does: empowering people through job-market skills and community building to take the next step in their education, career, and personal life. And as our organization has grown, we believe our new name will help our organization take the next step in its own development, too.
Has anything else changed?
Our service focus has been broadened to include more disadvantaged communities that were not initially under the scope of our activities. Our core mission remains the same, and our physical location, our partnerships, our activities, even our logo (except for the name) will stay the same as well.
How will this affect the future of the organization?
In December 2019, we were happy to join our members in celebrating our 10th anniversary. We have a strong history to build on, and have started to grow even more, with new courses, events, and other opportunities for our community. As Next Step, we will continue to grow, as the new name makes it easier for us to explain who we are and what we do to new donors and partners. And with new donors and partners, we can involve more people in our trainings, offer courses in new subjects, have more tech activities for children, and bring more opportunities to our whole community.
Our 10th anniversary celebration was a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate how far Next Step has come, and to express our appreciation to our strong and devoted community, to whom we owe our success. Now we look forward to a continued bright future together as Next Step!